

I have always wanted to write a story on my own. But perhaps it was my lack of creativity, patience and time; a full story failed to be made up time after time. But then came one fine day. I was browsing a fan fiction website when my light bulb for ideas suddenly lighted up. I thought to myself then; I could write a fan fiction piece instead and the content would be something close to my heart. I decided then and there that I would choose “Boys before Flowers” as the basis and focus, in particular, on Yoon Jihoo.


A somewhat quiet and mysterious character at times; his love and life stories seemed to be incomplete from the drama. Even the after story broadcasted accounted for nothing and kept all of us hanging in mid-air. I’m actually, if you still don’t know, both a Kim Hyun Joong and Yoon Jihoo fan. In fact, I was actually a Kim Hyun Joong fan first and got interested in the Yoon Jihoo character subsequently because of him. But whichever way it is, I feel that writing this fan fiction piece would be my salute to both Kim Hyun Joong and his, according to him, burdensome character Yoon Jihoo. They deserve this because both of them have left such a great impression on us that we are actually curious and want to find out more about what happens next.


I must admit here that my writing may not be the best one can find but I hope this piece will fulfill, in some way or another, some form of regret that you and I may have for not able to know more about what happens to Yoon Jihoo as time passes.


With this, I dedicate this piece to Mr Kim Hyun Joong and everyone else who is reading this


17th July 2011, 1:41am, Singapore


Senior Jihoo, did you hear me?”


“Jandi, are you done talking to that rascal? We’ve a flight to catch, you know?”

“OK, but he’s not replying. I need to tell him that I can’t go over and deliver the letters to him. I’ve got Senior Yijung and Woobin to deliver on my behalf instead. Are you sure he’s OK? Hey, Goo Joonpyo, how dare you try to hang me up? I’m not done yet…!”

Click… Beep…

A hand ran itself though a head of well-kept and neatly cut hair. The person then lifted his head from the desk. The sun rays shone into the room and blinded his eyes temporarily. His stomach growled as he opened his eyes slowly again. The digital clock on his desk read 8:15am. He had, once again, spent the night in his office. He picked up his phone and pressed the speed-dial assigned to the number 2.

“Hello? Is that Jihoo?”

"Can you get me something to eat on your way here? Thanks."

“Did you spend the night in your office again? I told you a million times, for the sake of…”

Click… Beep…

He knew that Seungwook would go on like a mother would nag at her son if he didn’t cut him off. He thought to himself; the time Seungwook would take to lecture him would be better off used to catch more sleep. It would take Seungwook at least another 30 minutes or so before his breakfast arrived. That would be just in time for him before his morning shift started at 9am.

With that, he cleared the files he had slept on earlier and placed his head on his desk again. He was about to drift into unconsciousness when his phone rang again.

“If you’re calling to ask me what I want… just get me a cup of coffee and sandwich please…”

“Young Master Yoon, I’m Lawyer Lee. I need to convey a message to you. When is it convenient for you?”

Lawyer Lee, he thought to himself. He was surprised that he’d receive a call from him. As far as he remembered, things were fine and running smoothly at the company when he last checked a week ago.

“Did something happened at the company?” he asked

“No, everything is running well here at the company. It’s something to do with your Grandpa’s will. Apparently, there is a section that he has stated earlier that should only be mentioned to you three months after his funeral. ”

“What is it about? I thought we had already sorted it all out?”

“I think it would be better if we talked about this face to face. When is it convenient for you?”

With the click of the mouse, Jihoo checked his schedule. Then he spoke.

“I finish at 7pm today; I’ll meet you in your office at 8pm. Will that do for you?”

“8pm is shall be then. See you there, Young Master Yoon. Goodbye then.”




To Be Continued... (: